Volunteer applications will open at 10am on Wednesday 8 January 2025
If you are a returning volunteer, you will receive a reminder email when applications open.
WOMADelaide seeks vibrant, enthusiastic, and committed volunteers whose contributions help deliver the festival each year. WOMADelaide is supported by hundreds of volunteers before, during and after the festival in a range of roles. Volunteers are highly valued and play an integral part in supporting key festival staff in the delivery and operations of the event. Whether you are a dedicated returning volunteer, or new to WOMADelaide, we hope that you have a rewarding and memorable experience.
Volunteer roles are available across teams including WOMADelaide Bars, Cup Squad, Customer Service, KidZone and Production. Volunteers are welcome to use their Volunteer Wristband to enjoy the festival in their free time.
Before applying to volunteer please read the important information provided below detailing volunteer roles, responsibilities, and general conditions.
Volunteers must:
- Be available across all four days of the festival and complete a shift of maximum 5 hours each day, in exchange for a Volunteer Wristband (volunteers working less than 16-20 hours will receive the appropriate festival wristband relevant to the hours they complete, i.e. 3-Day Wristband, Single Day Wristband/s).
- Commit to a Volunteer Bond of $240. This will be administered with the payment of a $1 Administration Fee authorising the WOMADelaide Foundation to charge the Volunteer Bond of $240 to your Credit / Debit card via Stripe. This Bond will only be charged should volunteer misconduct occur (see more details in the volunteer bond document).
- Be over 18 years of age.
- Sign a Volunteer Agreement, attend a Volunteers Briefing and complete a Safety Induction.
- The Foundation has the authority to cancel my Volunteer Wristband if I engage in any behaviour that would contravene my role as a volunteer, including failure to attend (without notification) or satisfactorily complete any shift, failure to attend briefing / inductions or provide documentation as required or any other actions which could be described by supervisor as misconduct.
- Undergo a South Australian Working with Children Check (WWCC) to volunteer in roles that directly interact with children i.e. KidZone, Info Booth. There will be no cost involved for volunteers.
To Apply:
- Have a current email address
- Create an account on Be Collective (note for previous volunteers that we have switched from the previous platform Better Impact)
- Have supporting documents ready to upload along with your application (e.g. RSA, WWCC)
If your question isn’t answered in our FAQs, email us at volunteer@womadelaide.com.au
WOMADelaide is accepting interstate volunteer applications.